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Riferimenti a Pubblicazioni
G. Paparo, G. P. Gregori, F. Angelucci, S. Inguaggiato “Acoustic Emissions and CO2 exhalation preceding the Dicember 2002 crisis of Stromboli. The origin of the prime energy supply to volcanism” 32°IGC-Florence August 20-28, 2004 G. Paparo, G. P. Gregori, F. Angelucci, A. Taloni, U. COPPA, S. Iinguaggiato“Acoustic Emissions in Volcanoes: the Case Histories of Vesuvius and Stromboli” Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI) 2004 Orlando-Florida-USA E. Lagio, V. A. Sakkas, I. Parcharidis, M. Poscolieri, G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo I. Marson “Ground Deformation Deduced by DGPS, DInSAR, AE, and DEM analysis in Cephallonia Island” SCI 2004 Orlando-Florida-USA Paparo G, Gregori G. P, Taloni A, Coppa U : Acoustic emissions (AE) and the energy supply to Vesuvius – “Inflation” and “deflation” times. Acta Geod Geoph Hung., Vol. 39(4), pp. 471-480 (2004) Gregori G.P., Paparo G., Poscolieri M., Zanini A., 2005. “Acoustic emission and released seismic energy”. Natural Hazards Earth System Sci., 5, 777-782. Gregori G. P., G. Paparo “The Stromboli crisis and tsunami of 28-30 december 2002” Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol. 41(2), pp. 273-287 (2006)
Biancolini M. E., Brutti C., Paparo G., Zanini A. “ Fatigue cracks nucleation on steel, acoustic emission and fractal analysis” International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 28 pp. 1820-1825 (2006)
Paparo G. Gregori G. P. Poscolieri M. Marson I., Angelucci F.& Glorioso G. “Crustal stress crises and seismic activity in the italian peninsula investigated by fractal analysis of acoustic emission soil exhalation and seismic data.” From Cello G & Malamud B. D. (eds) 2006. Fractal Analysis for Natural Hazards. Geological Society London, Special Publcations, 261, 47-61 (2006)
M. Poscolieri, E. Lagios, G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, V. A. Sakkas, I. Parcharidis, I. Marson, K. Soukis, E. Vassilakis, F. Angelucci & S. Vassilopoulou. “Crustal stress and seismic activity in the Ionian archipelago as inferred by satellite-and ground-based observations, Kefallinea Greece. From Cello G & Malamud B. D. (eds) 2006. Fractal Analysis for Natural Hazards. Geological Society London, Special Publcations, 261, 63-78 (2006)
Di Menno I., Rafanelli C., Paparo G., De Simone S., Lo Castro F. , D’Amico A.“ An integrated approach to the preservation of cultural heritage”.Convegno ICES-2, Buenos Aires-Argentina, Nov. 2006
M. A. Sabio Montero1 S. Isaacson2, M. I. López Pumarega3, M. Armeite3, G. Paparo4, G. Gregori5, J. E. Ruzzante3,6, M. P. Gómez7 “Estudio de la Emisión Acústica en el Cerro Blanco, San Juan, Argentina” Congresso FIA 2008
P89 J. Ruzzante, M. I. L. Pumarega, G. P. Gregari, G. Paparo, R. Piotrkowski, M. Poscolieri, A. Zanini “Acoustic Emission, Tides and Degassing on Peteroa Volcano (Argentina)” Acoustic Emission Vol.1-Microseismic ISBN 978-987-05-4116-5, March 2008, pag. 37-68
J. Ruzzante, M. I. L. Pumarega, G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, R. Piotrkowski, M. Poscolieri, A. Zanini “Acoustic Emission, Tides and Degassing on Peteroa Volcano (Argentina)” Acoustic Emission Vol.1-Microseismic ISBN 978-987-05-4116-5, March 2008, pag. 37-68
J. Ruzzante, M. I. L. Pumarega, M. Armeite, R. Piotrkowski, G. P. Gregori, I. Marson, G. Paparo, M. Poscolieri, A. C. Catellani “Analisis sobre el comportamiento del volcán Peteroa (Argentina), por metodos de Emisión Acustica(EA)” Actas XXIV Reunión Cientifica de la AAGG-Geofisica Aplicada, ISBN 978-987-25291-1-6, Pag. 221,227, 2009
G. P. Gregori, M. Poscolieri, G. Paparo. S. De Simone, C. Rafanelli, G. Ventrice “Storms of crustal stress” and AE earthquake precursors. Natural Hazards Earth System Sci., 10, 319-337, 2010
G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, M. Poscolieri, C. Rafanelli, G. Ventrice, G. Garilli, L. Imperatori, F. Lo Castro and G. Zimatore The seismic sequence in Central Italy (August-November 2016). Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring and analysis. NCGT JOURNAL Volume 4, Number 4, December 2016. ISSN 2202-0039.
G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, M. Poscolieri, C. Rafanelli(a), G. Ventrice, G. Garilli, L. Imperatori, F. Lo Castro, G. Zimatore.“The seismic sequence in Central Italy (2016-2017) II - Problem solving and decision making on geodynamic interpretation” NCGT Journal, V. 5, No. 1, March 2017
G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, M. Poscolier, C. Rafanelli, G. Ventrice, G. Garilli, L. Imperatori, F. Lo Castro, and G. Zimatore “The seismic sequence in Central Italy (2016-2017) IV. – Clarifying some basic processes and concepts “. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Journal, V. 5, No. 2, June 2017 |
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